Vanilla Ice Cream with Coconut Milk

coconut milk ice cream

Had a pretty great weekend, it flew right by but was very good.  The only bad thing was moving the clocks forward one hour on Saturday night :(.  So on Saturday we had the usual teeball game with the little guy.  He did really well I am really proud of him on how well he has taken to it.  After teeball we had to go to one of my relatives 95th birthday party its incredible to me at his age how alert he is.  He definitely still has all his bearings and I hope as I age I can keep my wits as well as he has.

Overall I hope this week continues where the weekend left off but chances are work will get in the way and that won’t happen.

Well today I have a pretty cool recipe for you that my sister gave me.  Its pretty simple its just a simple vanilla ice cream made out of coconut milk and coconut palm sugar.  One word of advice (yes I made the mistake) so I got a basic Ice cream maker from Cuisinart literally it came with no directions not sure why.  So my first time using this thing I get it assembled and I google how to make ice cream it was pretty unanimous that you just blend the ingredient and then put it in the maker and turn it on.

Sounds simple right, yea clearly not for me.  Apparently with the maker I bought you need to freeze the icecream bowl first lol.  So yea word to the wise you may need to freeze your ice cream bowl first otherwise you may end up like me.

Here is the recipe below

Vanilla Ice Cream with Coconut Milk


  • 1 can of full fat coconut milk (13.5 ounces)
  • ½ cup coconut palm sugar
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 tsp of Vanilla Extract


  1. Put Coconut milk, Coconut Sugar and Sea salt in a blender
  2. Run the blender until everything is mixed really good
  3. Add the Vanilla extract
  4. Run blender again to mix ingredients
  5. Add to ice cream maker
  6. Let it run for about 20 mins until it gets to the consistency you want.

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